Monday, October 28, 2013


  Personally, I really like travelling. But it has started getting harder to travel with my hair. This is because most of my favourite products are not available in travel sizes, so I have to minimize the amount of hair products used. Also, sometimes I am just too lazy to do anything with my hair and that will make detangling on the next day just soo much harder! I have spent a very long time looking for a good product, and have come up with a solution everyone can buy: oil. It works perfectly and if you can not find a coconut or argan oil, olive oil helps just as much. When you have gotten the oil, all you need to do is fill it into a travel sized container that will not spill. You can buy these or just clean out an old one of your one. Have a great trip!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

That is what I should do to my friends!

Can I touch your hair?

    We all know this question and it is often followed by statements like 'OMG! It is sooo fluffy!', or 'How can you comb it/ Do you comb your hair?' So if you are reading it and have said something similar to someone with natural hair, you should know that it is annoying!!! Maybe it would be okay if someone touches your hair once or twice, but if every single person you meet 'greets' you like this, it honestly gets nerve-wrecking.
         I understand if you have never seen hair like this and would like to know how it feels, which is totally okay. However, if you think about it, it might be infuriating for others.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Hair Types

  4a,4b,4c...actually, I never really understood all these hair types, as I could never find mine. Right now, I think I'm somewhere between b and c. However, I do not think that I can really say that I am one type because my hair always changes. So I have decided to write about it, starting from today.

  For everyone who has got no idea what the heck I am talking about, I have natural black hair, very frizzy and curly, that feels like a big sponge. Living with hair like this is quite hard because you always need to take care of it. If you now think that you have heard that thousands of times on other blogs, you right. However, unlike the blogs I've read, I shall also be writing about the good sides of natural hair.